Friday, June 27, 2014

Part One is Done

I am three episodes in, and I haven't a clue what's going on.

All I know is that Joyce did not have anything to do with stream of consciousness - it's quite apparent to me that he was ADD in a major way.  He flits from image to image and subject to subject so willy-nilly that being ADD is the only thing that makes sense. Or maybe he was so hopped up on drugs that he couldn't concentrate.  One or the other, I am sure.

And what's the deal with the alliteration?  He about killed me with the Fs in Episode 3. Listen to this:

"It flows furling, widely flowing, floating foampool, flower unfurling."

That was the end of one paragraph.  Then there is a full paragraph, and the paragraph after that starts with, "Five fathoms out there.  Full fathom five thy father lies. See what I mean?  Way too many Fs. 

And that's just one example - there is a lot of alliteration in the book so far, and I am left to wonder if that was intentional or not.  One would think so since Joyce is considered a genius, but why?  What does too much alliteration do for a novel?  I guess that's for me to figure out.

Fearlessly facing Episode four for fun.  How's that for alliteration? ^_^

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